Sylvain is a strong-willed painter and draughtsman since 2009 at the studio. He explores the contours of his subjects with his fingers until he has completely absorbed the image and mimicry. All the while humming, his characters appear on his page.
His trademark are his Asian looking characters that are embellished with small stripes or dots. These isolated figures have a strange, mysterious personal appeal, with their large heads that often completely fill the page.
In recent years Sylvain prefers to work with posca markers to outline the portrait he wants to paint. With the same markers he creates a pattern of stripes. Sometimes he works with ecoline to color the background. Sylvain noticeably enjoys painting and the interest in his work.
CC Mechelen (Mechelen - 2014)
Artfestival Nijlen (2014)
Anders bekeken at CC Zwanenberg
(Heist-op-den-Berg -2015) -
"Een lijn is een punt die gaat wandelen" tentoonstelling in de etalages (Mechelen - 2015)
Galerie Duende (Mechelen - 2015 en 2019)
Expo RAYMUNDO/OMARCITY (Antwerpen - 2022)
Expo 'Spiegels van de ziel' (TUTTI FRATELLI Antwerpen - 2022)
Expo Studio BINNEKYK (Mechelen - 2023)