Jef is an artist at the studio since 2009.
Spontaneity is the strength in Jef’s work. He draws everyday subjects in lively colors. He prefers to draw young animals, birds, fish, children, people in love and snapshots of family moments.
Typical for his work, is his use of line, the way he places the lines and builds them up. This technique gives his work a unique and graphic feel. The black contours embolden the movement.
Since 2018 there is a beautiful coloring book for sale with black line drawings by Jef.
Big Draw at Plantin Moretus Museum (Antwerpen - 2015)
Special Art Festival (Sint-Niklaas - 2015)
Anders bekeken at CC Zwanenberg (Heist-op-den-Berg -2015)
[OGEN]BLIK at CC Mechelen (Mechelen - 2019)
‘ARCHITECTURE’ at GC ’t Blikveld (Bonheiden - 2019)
Expo Jan Hoethuis i.c.w. Rift (Geel - 2019)
Grafixx Festival (Antwerpen - 2019)
Expo 'Spiegels van de ziel' (TUTTI FRATELLI Antwerpen - 2022)
DE WINDSTOOT (Museum Dr. Guislain Gent - 2023)
Expo Studio BINNEKYK (Mechelen - 2023)