Georg has been working in the studio since 2009. He is passionate about everything that drives, flies or sails. The last few years, he has drawn an extensive body of work comprising of ships, cars, trucks, helicopters and airplanes. He literally does this with shocks and jolts, but eventually, the ships appear minutely and fully detailed on his sheet of paper. Nothing is left out. All the switches, lights and wiring of these vehicles are there in Georg’s drawings.
Georg prefers to build up his drawings with just a pencil. The vehicles are always drawn in side- or front view so the work almost becomes an instruction sheet. His drawings used to remain in pencil, but these days he’s been adding more color. Georg dynamically alternates between pencil, color pencil, paint, ink and marker.
Campus De Nayer Thomas More (Sint-Katelijne-Waver - 2014)
ANDERS BEKEKEN in CC Zwanenberg (Heist-op-den-Berg - 2015)
"Een lijn is een punt die gaat wandelen" tentoonstelling in de etalages (Mechelen - 2015)
The Bries Space (Borgerhout - 2017)
[OGEN]BLIK in CC Mechelen (Mechelen - 2019)
‘ARCHITECTUUR’ in GC ’t Blikveld (Bonheiden - 2019)
Expo Jan Hoethuis i.s.m. Rift (Geel - 2019)
Expo 'Passie & Obsessie' (CC Sint-Niklaas - 2021)
Expo 'Het Nieuwe Geniaal' (CC Mechelen - 2021)
Kunstfestival IDYLLEREI22 (Nuremberg, DE - 2022)
Expo 'Spiegels van de ziel' (TUTTI FRATELLI Antwerpen, 2022)
Expo Studio BINNEKYK (Mechelen - 2023)